Eritrea: "Tsin'at" Meat Production and Supply Association in Central Region Striving to Boost Production

Asmara — At an assessment meeting conducted on 13 February the "Tsin'at" Meat Production and Supply Association in the Central region, indicated that it is
striving to boost production.
Speaking during the occasion, Priest Mussie Haile, Chairman of the Association, pointed out that the association, in collaboration with partners and government institutions, is paying due attention as regards motivating members to supply the market with fair price.
In a report they presented at the meeting, Managing Director and head of Finance of the Association, commended members for their strong efforts to raise production overcoming the challenges they encountered.
The participants of the meeting conducted discussion on the reports presented and re-elected the board of the association for two years term.
In closing remarks, Mr. Yemane Abai, Director General of Land and Agriculture in the Central region, explained that the association has strong responsibility in satisfying the market demands in the region, and that the regional Administration would stand alongside the association in all its activities.

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