Entrepreneurs asked to go globally

In a move to ensure that local entrepreneurs develop their businesses and have wider-market-recognition for their products, the Tanzania Export Association (TANEXA) has asked for
the need to ensure they are connected to the world market.

TANEXA Chairman, Peter Lanya made the remarks in Dar es Salaam during a training workshop organized by the Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) in collaboration with the Canadian High Commission with the aim of tackling the access to Canadian markets for Tanzania entrepreneurs’.

Lanya advised entrepreneurs to be creative and ready to use the available opportunities that could allow them to focus their investments on products such as cashew nuts, sisal and tea which have wider markets in Canada.

“Opportunities are plenty, we need to change our mindset and be focused to ensure that we dominate the Canadian market in order to expand our businesses,” Lanya said.

According to the embassy, TFO Canada, a Canadian entity with expertise in trade for developing countries, will facilitate Tanzania smaller exporters’ access to Canadian marketplace and enable them to share Canadian trade expertise.

The Commissioner for Business at Canadian High Commission Ola Mirzoeva said his country is ready to invite Tanzania businessmen operations in Canada.

Mirzoeva said various communication channels issued at the embassy if properly used by local businessmen is key to their success and will enable them to broaden their mindsets in business.

Launching the training, the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Industries and Trade Uledi Musa said the country is lucky to have many entrepreneurs; however the majorities are not contributing to the national Growth Domestic Product (GDP).

The PS was speaking on behalf of the Director of Policy and Planning Edward Sungura, saying such situation is aggravated by lack of experience and knowledge on entrepreneurship.

He said lack of modern technology including capital, was a hindrance to the development of local entrepreneurs saying the government is working on ways to improve business opportunities that will lead to the growth of the sector.

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