Uganda to host major business Forum

 Uganda  is to host  the ‘Ease of Doing  Business Initiative’ Summit expected to be held in May 2015.  
Uganda s Minister of State for Investment Dr Gerald Ajedra  said the meeting will provide an opportunity  for
governments from the East and Southern  Africa  to learn and share  knowledge and experiences  on business environment reforms.
“The Ease of Doing Business Summit is a big milestone to Uganda. We shall share wider experiences from countries that are doing well in offering business environment because of the legal regime reforms which they have undertaken to improve their doing Business Environment,” he said in a news conference.
Ajedra said the government is committed in allocating resources to see that the country’s business environment is conducive for both the formal and informal. 
At the  Ease  of Doing Business Initiative 2014, which was hosted in Maputo Mozambique , Uganda was selected to host  the EDBI after beating six other  countries  that expressed interest in hosting  the event.
According to Ajedra, Uganda will showcase reforms especially in starting a business, obtaining  a construction permi,t  paying taxes registering property and trading  across borders.
Gerald Ssendaula the Chair of Business Licensing and Regulatory Reform Committee said Uganda should strive to curb bureaucracy among government institutions that play a big role in business registration.
“The cost of registering business in Uganda is still costly because of the bureaucracy in some government Ministries, especially in land,s when it comes to obtaining land titles. Connecting to the national grid is also a big obstacle to investors.  We ask the government to compel its staff  in the various departments to create a conducive environment that saves investors’ money and time,” Sendaula said. 
business week

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