We are now well into 2015 and my inbox is exploding with ► strategy sessionsfrom small business owners, entrepreneurs that are willing to make 2015 a year of growth and profit.
Interestingly enough, I notice patterns in the questions they ask me. Based on these I decided to share 5 easy ways to grow your small business without overwhelming yourself.
Hopefully this will help ALL who read.


First thing first, growing a business does not always mean MORE PROFIT, as a matter of fact, often times, growth induces more spendings and overhead costs.
For growth to make sense, it needs to outpace the overheads so that it doesn't cripple the margin of profit.
The worst spot I find many businesses, is during the growing pains stages. They grow, not fast enough to hire quality help, but fast enough to have everyone stressed and overwhelmed!
PRO TIP: Have a strategic growth and plan for it. Start by improving your systems, make better use of your team and be more productive. Very much like a spring that contracts before releasing the energy to leap forward.
Every business is different, yet all have common grounds. So look into how to make better use of your time and your team's time.
  • Create a daily plan and share it with the team
  • Use a calendar that you can access on mobile and desktop and SYNC it.
  • Know your deadlines but make them reasonable before having them set.
  • Learn to say “No” -I brought that up in previous articles already-
  • Prioritize your day in blocks 1 "TOP 3 MUST GET DONE STUFF"
  • Use task-management and collaboration apps and platforms such as Trello, Asana, Basecamp, Doodle and Appointlet.
  • Eliminate your time wasters but learn to take meaningful BREAKS!
NEVER EVER do yourself what you can get others to do for you faster better and cheaper!

Get focused on your RIGHT target market.

A lot of businesses, small or big as a matter of fact, waste ridiculous amounts of money and time chasing all the "potential clients" and the "awesome opportunities"
Well, it NEVER FAILS if a business owner decides to drill a vertical, go after the same clients, patients, customers, in the same category and offer the same products, the growth is always greater, the profit margins greater and satisfaction greater as well.

Why? Because all the processes involved in acquiring new clients, nurturing them and delivering the goods are refined. Everyone gets better at it. 

Once that is flowing smoothly, THEN it's time to pick another target audience, new vertical and start drilling again, while the previously acquired customer base can be put into the "up selling mode"
Too many businesses neglect the clients that already brought and focus mostly on NEW prospects and leads. Change THAT and your business WILL GROW.

Think in Quarters:

The big NYE boys are doing it, the IRS encourages all to it... So should you! Instead of nebulous and evasive resolutions and goals for your business in 2015, divide the year into four. Eat your elephant, one bite at a time! -one quarter at a time-
This simple way of looking at your year, will make it easier to set realistic goals and therefore reach them, BUT if you were to NOT meet your expectations, no big deal, you can assess, learn and readjust for the next quarter.

Strengthen YOUR Online Reputation

This is no secret, we ALL go online, on our smartphones to check the reviews of businesses we are about to deal with. A dealership, a pizzeria, a plumber, whoever, and whatever, all are scrutinized by consumers before commitments are done.
If you do it, your kids do it, your grandkids do it, I guarantee you, your prospects do it too!
We ALL WANT THE SAME THING: the most amount of stuff for the least amount of money for the best quality...
Whatever you provide, others offer it too and your prospects will do business with the ones with the best online reputation. I am SHOCKED at how many business owners have NEVER considered investing in building, protecting and marketing their reputation, yet they invest hundreds of thousands in equipment, education, staff, marketing and insurance. Yet a single bad review can obliterate your hopes for growth as 80% of consumers will change their mind based on a negative item posted online...

Get on LinkedIn and Network!

View LinkedIn as a huge trade show, everyone is here... The big caveat of a trade show is to not be able to find all those that you could really mutually benefit from. Build a strong strategic alliance, talk merger, talk lead generation, talk products and services, at those shows, its often like a three ring circus. Distractions often times derail the best efforts.
On linkedIn you can easily find the right folks using the advanced search features, send a few enamels and you're good go... I may have it hyper simplified, but you get the gist of it. Here, on LinkedIn, it's easy to cut through the clutter and focus on your ideal clients, partners or suppliers, just do your research and reach out! etc


Bottom dollars ALWAYS beat top dollars, so, adding new business on the top and not maximizing the bottom dollars is... not wise or even stupid.
Stuff you'd never think about can add up quick in nice savings:
Laptop computers consume approximately 90 percent less energy than standard desktop computers! 
This example is just to illustrate that savings are EVERYWHERE, you just need to pay attention.
Find ways to save money, every penny saved is a penny earned and READY TO BE REINVESTED.

Join "purchasing groups" this seem to be the easiest way to save money the fastest and therefore allow for growth.
Companies like CorpMatch save their 4000+ members 15% to 75% corporate discounts on products and services these small businesses were ALREADY using!
These purchasing groups leverage the buying power of their numerous members to offer AMAZING savings, some sound too good to be true, and yet are true...
  • Corpmatch.com is 4000+ members strong
  • UPG.org is another solid group to look into.
I sincerely hope these articles are helping you make the most of of 2015 leveraging LinkedIn and strategic marketing.
Best regards
Jerome Knyszewski