Managing cashflow: get more bang for your startup buck

Startup costs can be daunting
It may be difficult to see where your money would be best placed at the startup phase. Photograph: Alamy
Getting the finance to start your business is often seen as the biggest obstacle to starting up. But what is even more significant than accessing those initial funds is how to make your money go a long way.
Sometimes it is difficult to see where your money will be best utilised, particularly at the start-up phase of any business. This is all the more important when you are invariably bootstrapping, putting some of your personal savings towards your venture to keep your business developing. So how can you get your money to make you money?
In the first six months of 2013, the UK's startup activity was up by 3.4% on 2012, with more than 90,000 new ventures. With this rate of business creation in the UK, it is inevitable that many will fail. To avoid this, you need to steer clear of making big financial mistakes, because there is nothing worse than your business losing more money than is necessary. As I have always said, if you're going to fail, you should do it quickly. Failure can be a great lesson, but it should not destabilise any future ideas from coming into fruition because the financial cut is so deep.
Today 49% of small business owners say they started up with less than £2,000, a seemingly astonishing feat. But there are clear ways you can avoid extra costs. A big one is not hiring until you are ready, employees are one of the biggest costs in any new business. That being said, there is no doubt that they will be the ones who in the future can drive your business forward, but you must be able to justify new hires, especially at the early stages of a business. Bringing on board people you do not greatly require is an expensive problem, so you may want to consider hiring part-time support or sub-contractors, depending on the demands of your startup. And although admin work can be exhausting, juggling it along with other aspects of the business can help to make you a more dynamic entrepreneur and help round your skillset.
Do not underestimate the time it takes to set up. Starting a business will always take up more time than you will have imagined, and cost more than you would like it to. For these reasons you have to be flexible, and should not drain your resources too soon. With human error, slow vendors, changes to technology and extenuating circumstances – both personal and professional – not everything will go perfectly to plan. This is why you must be more tactful and cautious with spending, so that when you have to compromise on timing, you have a cushion of support.
A common error for startups is to get bogged down in branding and marketing costs. It is unbelievable just how much you can promote your business at little cost. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are brilliant ways to engage potential customers, and SEO is a valuable and free content-based tool to get your business noticed. Of course, the cost of your time is valuable, but spending money on expensive branding companies can harm your resources, particularly as a new venture when your direction is evolving and most susceptible to change. Wait until you have been trading for at least six months before heavily investing in the branding side of your business. You will be in a much better position if you do.
Start-Up Loan recipient Karine Bono, a young fashion designer from London, understands the difficulty of starting up on a budget. With her £5,000 loan, Karine minimised expenses by producing all her garments and designs at her home studio in Hackney. By trading her clothes on Etsy, a popular clothing site, Karine is gaining exposure without breaking the bank, not spending too much on marketing but still benefitting from an online presence.
It is undeniable that new businesses have to find a way to manage their costs if they have any chance of survival. This is why the first sale is so important, and creating a profitable business is key. At the start be frugal and push yourself so you don't have to push others. After all, taking on challenges is what being an entrepreneur is all about.
James Caan is chairman of the Start-Up Loans Company. Each fortnight he tackles a different business issue for the Guardian Small Business Network. Keep up to date by visiting the network and signing up to our weekly newsletter. We welcome your suggestions for future topics and questions regarding your own business – please share them in the comments thread below.

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